Friday, May 31, 2013

Lena the Ribbon Dancer

So I've realized most of my most recent posts have been James-focused.  Here's an entire post dedicated to Lena.  She's a funny one.  Here's some recent Lena news:

#1- We (finally) ditched the paci... unfortunately with the paci also went most of the napping so now I'd say she takes 1 nap every four days.  Sadly, the fact that we are only 2 months away from having a newborn didn't seem to make her want to keep napping every single day. (Did I mention the fact that I'm pregnant again?  no?  Must have slipped my mind in the maddness)

#2- She insists on picking out all her clothes.  This means Lena can normally be found completely in varying shades of pink or in a dress of some kind.  The more sparkles and ruffles the better.  Not exactly my style but hey, whatever's going to get us through the day.

#3- Singing the ABCs loudly and inncorrectly but refusing any help.  In fact, if you try to sing with her she stops and informs you that you're interrupting her solo.

#4- Talking.talking.talking.all.the.time.  Seriously, she never stops.  During a recent drive to Pittsburgh that took place between 6pm and 11pm she literally talked the entire drive.  The ENTIRE drive.  It was alternately hilarious and irritating depending on Mike & my moods, or the traffic.

All in all Lena is a super cool Bean.  She's sweet and funny and friendly and smart.  And she loves this ribbon dancer thing that her Aunt Kristin made for her.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

he he...funny little bean