Friday, January 15, 2010

pardon my lateness.

oh hi.  So I realized that my post is a bit late this week.  I have no excuses.  But a few things have happened since last post so I now have something to talk about.  Namely, I have a baby belly and I've been to 2 prenatal yogas.  good times! 

Belly first.  So at first I thought it was just the popular lots-of-food-&-no-exercise-combo, but I've since realized that that is incorrect (at least partially).  My stomach is round and feels weird and I can't button some of my pants.  The only unfortunate side is that I need new pants now.  Although I got this "belly band" at target that you just put over the top of your pants, leaving them unbuttoned, and it looks like you have a long tshirt on underneath whatever other shirt you may be wearing.  It's awesome!  I haven't used it yet, but I'm sure I'll have to here pretty soon.  

Pre-natal yoga's been very fun!  I wake up sore for 3 days afterwards, but I'm really glad I'm doing it anyway.  I happen to be just about the least flexible person in the world so thankfully the first class I went to was led by this woman who was super nice and unintimidating.  The second class I went to was a different story.  That was last night.  I got there right on time but walked in and the class had already started!  and the lady didn't even stop to acknowledge me and I had to run and set up and I don't know quite what I'm doing so it was a little intense at first.  This instructor was kind of scarey.   a stern 60 year old yoga hippie woman.  Super-intimidating.  and she moved the class though about 800 positions at lighting speed without one second in between to unroll your body from each pretzel before the next pretzel started.   She also kept using all these yoga words that I don't understand and not explaining them so I'd have to just watch the people next to me and try to imitate them.  and let me tell you that all of these women, even the 9 months pregnant ones, totally put me to shame.  At one point the 9-monther next to me had her foot touching the back of her head while her other leg was straight out in front of her.  WHAT?!  If I hadn't of seen it with my own two eyes I don't think I'd believe it was humanily possible... even for a non-pregnant person.  Needless to say, I have a lot of practicing to do. 

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