Saturday, April 30, 2011

curls & earings

So.  It was really hot and humid this week.  and when it's humid Lena's hair does crazy things.  Observe:

and yesterday we got her ears pierced.  

look at these cheeks!!!!!

and I'm super-tired.  Sleeping has gotten SO much better lately.  Incredibly better.  However Lena has been getting up early the past few mornings.  like 5:15am early.  and so I'm tired.
good night



Anonymous said...

awwww!!! love the curls and earings! what a little lady!

sheryl said...

that first picture is SUCH a mikey deg face!

Kim DeGregorio Roth said...

HAH it totally is, youre right!

Laura said...

In the first picture...she looks a lot like her Daddy!! :) Unbelievable curly hair...btw!!!!