So how do you like my poll up there?? fun huh? I'm winning in the votes thus far but maybe that's because no one can picture a baby with as much facial hair as Mike has. We'll see. Anyway, 30 weeks done. whew. how many more now? I really don't know. I hear that babies are usually born at 38-42 weeks... so we'll see how that goes, I guess. I'm pushing for a July 4th-ish Birthday (hear that, Lena!!??) just because then birthday parties are super easy and who doesn't want fireworks on their birthday?!
This week was a rough one. We survived an intense grad school project, an unbelievably sore back, sleepless nights, and pine mouth. (Pine Mouth, yes, it's for real, google it.) Thankfully, all my ailments seem somewhat better now and Mike's semester is over! yay! AND Lena's room is now cleaned out!!!!!! woohoo!!!! yipeee! I wish I had a "before" picture to show you, but I do not. Now begins the spackling, priming, painting, and then the decorating process. The "after" picture will come once the room is ready.
Here I am at 30 weeks:
Lena is large and in charge. Apparently this week is "large head of cabbage" week. Approx 3.5 lbs of baby and lots more lbs of everything else. I had a doctors appointment on Tuesday and while she was getting her heartbeat checked, she jumped to the other side of my stomach and made the lady start her count all over... and then she did it again because she thought it was funny. It was. I laughed.
It has been super hot for the past couple days. I do not tolerate the heat well these days. Neither does The Patch:
He just lays upside-down on the cool kitchen floor like he's dead. Maybe I'll try that.
Also this week while at work one of the kindergarteners said "I see the baby's nose" when looking at the bump my bellybutton makes in my shirt. HAH! Good try, kid, good try. Funnily enough though, a couple months ago a very pregnant friend who works at a different school had a kindergartener say almost the exact same thing to her! Must be something about 5 year old brains. I don't understand 5 year old brains very well. You can't reason with them and they don't understand my jokes.
Oh, and just today we added another pregnant friend to the "Lena's friends to be born soon" list! Yay.
ok bye.