Wednesday, December 23, 2009

pass the tissues

Mike's reading a pregnancy book that has this advice for fathers-to-be, "Try to find beauty in your wife's hormonal madness, no matter how difficult that may be..." Hah, how appropriate. I was in New York last week and in the 4 hours I was there and the 5 hours it took to get home (don't ask, it should only take 2) I managed to burst into tears approximately 16 times... Why? Because this is what I've been reduced to. I can handle nothing. nothing stressful, nothing wonderful, nothing heartwarming, nothing sad, nothing funny, nothing even slightly irritating. Commercials set me off. Having to fold the laundry bothers me to no end. Leno, which normally I don't even find that funny, has me crying in laughter. I get irritated with people I like for no apparent reason. ugh. Now, I've never been much of a drama-queen, but lately I'm thinking I just might deserve one of those crowns. For the past week and a half or so it seems I've traded in some of my tiredness for some insanity. Sounds like a fair trade, right? if something doesn't have me in tears it probably has me brooding or ecstatic or spastic or iritable. My current facebook status should be "emotionally nutzo". But at least I'm humbly aware of my own irrationality, right? Yes, I know I'm a basket case. And yes, someone should give Mike an award for putting up with me. If anyone knows how to avoid all emotional things for approximately 7 more months, please let me know.